Online Security - Popular Bank

Stay informed and be safe.

At Popular Bank, your security is very important to us. We encourage you to review the following tips on how to keep your personal information secure and protect yourself from online account fraud.

Beware of scam callers asking for your online banking credentials.

When we call you, we will never ask you to provide personal or account identifying information. You should never share the following information with anyone.

  • Full Social Security number
  • Online banking user ID
  • Online banking password
  • Online banking security question answers
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Beware of bank phone call scams

Be wary of suspicious emails.

Do not reply to or click any links on suspicious e-mails. An email should be considered suspicious when it requests personal or financial information such as your account number, PIN, password, etc. Spelling and grammatical errors, odd vocabulary that doesn’t sound professional, or email domains that do not match the sender should also be considered red flags.

Be wary of suspicious emails.

Have you been a victim of fraud?

Fraud Prevention

Read more online security tips.

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